(about SST Magic Thumb Hooks)
Tino’s SST Super Magic Thumb Hook is the best thumb hook I’ve ever used. It not only is made beautifully, but offers the ultimate in comfort and really opens up the sound as Tino mentions. A fantastic product from a fantastic person. Thanks Tino!
(about SST Neck BN1 “New Standard”)
Tino Schucht has made a dynamic baritone saxophone neck. This neck is ideal for contemporary music and requires little effort to project. It has an edge that will cut through in acoustic, contemporary, R & B, rock and big band settings. It is very easy to play and the more I play it the more I discover its endless possibilities. Tino has the knowledge and experience to satisfy anyone’s needs and tastes. These necks are an asset to the instrument and your sound, check them out. – Tim Price
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